Simmering In Crockery City, Or Fuel For A Fight (Simmons Says #192)

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"Is That A Curse, Or A Propositioning?"

Hi, Reader,

That was my response one time when someone cursed at me.

They weren't amused.

I've noticed many people are more on edge these days.

The phrase casual Observer doesn't fit here but I'll use it for the moment.

For many weeks, I've stood waiting at a bus stop and casually observing the traffic patterns of both humans and vehicles.

I noticed how people push past one another, how cars double park in bus zones so that buses can't pull up to the curb, and how elderly people are forced to step down into the street and step up with difficulty into the bus.

I noticed how people jump in front of those who are physically challenged and need a bit more time and patience.

Random pedestrians walk across the street in the middle of the block, almost daring speeding cars to hit them. When a car does stop short, they curse the driver.

I noticed this and a lot more. The one thing that keeps me sane is that I have also noticed courtesy, chivalry, and just plain patience.

But there is a lot of impatience, tension, and anger.

No, I'm not saying this to make any political statement at the moment; I'm saying this because I'm a writer.

I'm observing life around me and hoping this is relegated to my city—possibly even my neighborhood—but I doubt that.

We're all wound a little tight around the globe, maybe not in every corner, but certainly every few blocks. Every few miles.

These angst-ridden moments are certainly food and fuel for our sad, mad, and bad fictional antagonists.

From petty thieves to petty tyrants, They're all dissatisfied with something.

But we also want to take a moment to exhale.

To watch clouds drift by for a moment. To watch leaves sail through the air, falling from a branch.

To watch ducks float on the river, children play with great innocence and abandonment.

As writers, we may want to note all this from time to time.

It most certainly is part of our assignment as those who create fiction and reflect life.

And since I'm focused on my mystery writing courses throughout the holiday season, observing the antics of my fellow humans, be they playful or otherwise, is quite helpful. It could be so for you.

Remember to build your characters from those around you. Friends, family, or non-familiar.

And, if you're aspiring to be a mystery writer or struggling with the pieces of your latest mystery puzzles, I'm teaching a three-tier workshop series called THE WRITE THE CRIME: CASE CLOSED CHALLENGE.

You can sign up for one, two, or all three!

Tier 1 ($27): I help you choose the crime and work out the details so you'll have a solid foundation for your story.

With Tier 2, I show you how to turn that crime into an intriguing and compelling short story.

Step up to Tier 3, where I will guide you through writing a novella or a novel, complete with plot twists and red herrings.

No matter your tier, you’ll come away ready to write an authentic and exciting mystery thriller!

Hurry though. My live workshop is scheduled for

So, CLICK ON THE LINK and take the case!

The game’s afoot!


Alex Simmons

Have questions? DM me (@AlexSimmonsSays). Or email me.

If you need help telling your stories, Click Below and let me know.

3959 Saxon Avenue, Bronx, NY 10463
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Simmons Says

Hi, Alex Simmons here. I've taught 100s of aspiring and struggling writers how to overcome their fears and frustrations and create compelling plots, characters, and stories that appeal to a broader audience. Over the years, I've been honored to be a professional author (award-winner), writing coach/teacher, and consultant. I’ve written for many mainstream publishers, Marvel/DC/Archie Comics, and penned plays, interactive games, and video and animation scripts. And I’ve been a global speaker on empowering people through the arts. I have much to share, starting with my Simmons Says Newsletter.

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